
Printmaking at the Academy Art Museum

Printmaking with Monoprint, Chine Colle and Relief Plates

March 17 – March 19, 2017 at the Academy Art Museum

The exciting world of printmaking becomes more complex with the use of new methods to create more layered artworks on fine archival paper. Although this course is tailored for those who have had experience with monoprint,  new printmakers are also welcome. Chine collé, translated from the French, means “pasted thin paper.” The student will make simple relief plates and print them on fine Japanese papers, which receive the inks in more delicate ways than on thicker papers. These prints will then be chine collé-d (laminated) onto plain or monoprinted thicker paper in the etching press. The results will be varied, textured and surprising. The prints may be editioned (multiples made).

For more details and to register visit the Academy Art Museum Website.

© 2019 Rosemary Cooley Art